Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The First Bite

The oh-so-delicious Croque Monsieur from Boxcar in Washington DC. Bon Appetit!

Welcome to my foray into the blogosphere. I have thought about blogging for a long time, but now I have bit the bullet and put proverbial pen to virtual paper.

“The Gypsy Gourmet” is born out of sheer lack of direction. I am, by nature, a wanderer in every sense of the word. There is no one place that I call home. After a few years in graduate school (I am still suffering through the process of completing my thesis, let’s not talk about it) and a few summer time stints at the Smithsonian, I am stuck.  Completely and utterly S.T.U.C.K. Let me tell you, if you think you love something go to graduate school and study it… You probably don’t love it as much as you thought you did. Or you may find, as was the case with me, that your fellow compatriots seem much more well equipped and passionate about the field, thus making you feel like a total idiot for the first time in your life. Awesome! Well, enough of that.

So here I am on the verge of 30 and wondering, “What the hell am I going to do with myself”. Start a blog? Sounds reasonable. What else have I got going on? Now what should my blog be about? Well, I’ll tell you. The over-arching theme of this little electronic diary is going to be about food. Food and the making of it have been a large focus of my life for the past few years. I have discovered a love for all things culinary and funnily enough I am not half bad in the kitchen. The word "Gourmet" in my blog title is slightly misleading considering I have never been to culinary school or had any type of professional training, but hey, I thought it sounded good.

In my experience, food can really change your day, allow you to relax, and let’s face it, a great meal can make you feel exceedingly happy (and if not, I feel sorry for you and you probably should read something else)! For me, the ability to provide this euphoric feeling to my family and friends, even if just for a moment, is a great thing. I also appreciate a good restaurant though! So here I will share stories, tips, thoughts, etc. relating to my adventures in and around kitchens. That being said, you may one day open up the page and find an entry espousing the virtues of Pride and Prejudice, but hey, its my blog. I do what I want.


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